Date of birth: 26/08/1950 Date of death: 17/03/1995
He was born on august in Mollajafarli village of Gazakh region in 1950, August the 26. Later, the family moved to Khatai village of Agstafa region. Ajdar went to Yenigun village secondary school in 1958, and in 1967 he finished the tenth grade of the same school. In the same year he acquired a driving license. In 1969 he was called up for military service from the Military Commissariat of Agstafa Region. After being discharged from the army, he started working in the Narimanov district police station. While working as a police sergeant, Ajdar Babayev entered Polytechnic College in Sumgait in 1978. In 1981, he finished the full course of auto transportation and after working 4 years in the Police Department of Gazakh region, he was assigned to work in Aghstafa police station where he grew up. He was repeatedly awarded prizes by the Ministry Of Internal Affairs, as an exemplary police officer.
It was 1995, March 13-17 events when Ajdar Babayev showed true heroism in the operations against the armed group which was aiming at the state coup. The days of turmoil of the Motherland. The plan of the gang that gathered in Agstafa was to overthrow the government of this country and to turn the country into the bloodshot again. But the heroic sons of the Motherland such as Ajdar Babayev who cherished their country would not let that happen and this threat was removed but Ajdar along with other heroes gave their lives in the cause.
He was married. He is survived by four children.
Ajdar Babayev was posthumously awarded the title of "National Hero of Azerbaijan" by the decree # 307 of the president of the Azerbaijan Republic on April 4, 1995.
He was buried in Agstafa. There is a school in Aghstafa region named after him.
Source: Milliqahramanlar.az
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