Date of birth: 25/02/1964
He was born in Nizami village of Ulukhanli region of Western Azerbaijan on the 25th of February, 1964. Then he moved to Baki city at the age of 6 and finished secondary school # 96 in Bakikhanov district. He was called for military service in 1982. After being demobilized from the Army, Sahil entered High Political School in St. Petersburg city within the Internal Affairs of USSR.
He was sent to Chernogov city and then to Kiev in the Republic of Ukraine. He started working as a Platoon Commander within the Internal Troops in Ukraine.
When the bloody was started in Azerbaijan and armenian gangsters started attacking Azerbaijani villages and cities with the falsified history and claim lands, Sahil decided to return to the Motherland and stand in the defense of the country against the vicious enemy. He first came to Nizami village of Western Azerbaijan and took his parent to Baki. He resigned from the Soviet Army in 1991. Sahil then was appointed as a Deputy Commander within the Internal Troops of Azerbaijani republic in 1992. Sahil was an experienced military man and therefore he asked to be sent to the Front line. Considering his experience and resourcefulness, he was soon appointed as the chief of the Frontier in Qazanchi, Aghkand, and Darali villages of Zangilan region. The vicious enemy wanted to occpupy Qazanchi village and would not seize firing at the ppeaceful civilian and bombarding the village. But the brave soldiers of the Motherland stood in the defense of the village and showed fierce resistance. The enemy had to retreat with severe loss.
Sahil was badly wounded during that battle and was taken to Baki Central Hospital. Thanks to the effort of the doctors his life was saved.
Colonel – Lieutenant Sahil Mammadov has been working as a head inspector within the Visa and Registration office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1994.
He is married and has a child.
Mammadov Sahil Alamdar was posthumously awarded the title of the “National Hero of Azerbaijan” by the decree # 264 of the president of Azerbaijani republic on the 8th of October, 1992.
Source: Milliqahramanlar.az
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